Sunday, May 27, 2012

Release 5-27-12

Release 5-27-12. New music, new scenes and a new party member. Wow, my creative juices are flowing now. Old scenes updated and new sprites in a few places. A few typos killed and grammar fixed in most places. I'm sure there's a few left I haven't found yet. >.<

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bad Ends?

So I've has some people ask me about bad ends. I know some games use them as little events after losing to key events. I've toyed with the idea, so now I'm leaving it up to you. Do you want to see bad ends? Want to see that pesky Rogue Knight get what's coming to her? Want to see Lady Blood Blade dominate those blasted interlopers? Vote now!


I've been working hard on the new update. I finished the scene Kitayanna was so adamant about getting to. I've also added the next area, the mountain pass. If all goes well, I'll be posting a new version in a few days.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Clearing the board

Well, I have news on a bit decision. I have decided to scrap the Yanfly scripts as they I just can't seem to get them to work properly for me. I'm spending all my time trying to figure them out instead of focusing on the story. I'm sorry to all of those who liked that system. Now, I may try again in the future should I find a way to get them to work, but my lack of scripting knowledge just makes it more of a headache than it's worth. That and while trying to upgrade to an updated Yanfly script, I forgot to make a workable copy before I began editing and I just ended up ruining everything, so I just cleared the scripts out. I still have the Caterpillar script as that one was separate.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Release 5-22-12

And so, after much slaving and sweating, changes to plans and general 'damn that was harder than it needed to be', the newest version is up. I hope everyone enjoys. I've noticed that I was starting to deviate from my original plan on this being a love story between Kimberly and Kitayanna, so I've given them another scene together to help build their relationship. Also, a few music changes. I've added some new battlers for enemies and increased the life totals of the bosses. I'm terrible at the whole balance thing with the game, so if anything seems to hard or easy, let me know and I can edit accordingly. Most of all, I hope you all enjoy the story as it progresses.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dusting out the cobwebs

So I've finally got the muse to start working again. I've figured that if I can't get the events to work like I want them, I'll just replace them with pictures from 3DCG. It works well when I feel like throwing something at my screen.

I have also decided to go with a more linear path for now. Since I can't find a good ship tileset to save my life, I'll just have to go with the overland route. 

So, now, without further ado, the next character in the story:

Name: Shakira
Race: Human
Age: 20
Height: 6'
Bio: Born the second child of her wondering tribe, she has grown up in the shadow of her older brother. Her only purpose in life was to prepare for a day should her brother die and she would take his place. She really cares not for the idea of rules over her people. Though Arian are revered in her tribe, she has always been treated as an outcast for her ideas of seeing what civilized lands look like.

I know that most if not all links have died. I will be posting a new link once I get a few more bugs worked out.